Dignity and Respect for the Holidays


Christmas Dinner

Below is the new radio ad I recorded for Cityteam Portland.  It will play on 104.1 The Fish.

This ad is a bit different than ones I've recorded before.  I wanted to lead with 'Why' we do what we do rather than 'What.'  And, as my AP English Teacher told me, I need to show people 'Why' than merely telling them.  What better way to show 'Why' than a simple story?  A simple story, I must add, that had a profound impact on me.

Let me know what you think.

[ca_audio url_mp3="http://www.pauldwatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/CT-101713-Holiday.mp3" url_ogg="OGGURL" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

JournalPaul Watson